When it comes to phytic acid content, there is a difference between raw oats and cooked oats:
Raw oats:
Raw oats contain phytic acid, as it is a naturally occurring compound found in the outer layer of grains like oats.
Phytic acid in raw oats can potentially bind to minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium, reducing their absorption in the body.
Cooked oats:
Cooking oats can help reduce the phytic acid content to some extent through the process of heat and water exposure.
Boiling or soaking oats in water can lead to leaching of some of the phytic acid into the cooking water, thereby reducing the amount present in the cooked oats.
However, it's essential to note that the reduction in phytic acid content may not be complete, and some phytic acid will likely remain in the cooked oats.
While cooking oats can reduce the phytic acid content to some degree, it's important to recognize that oats are not typically consumed in large enough quantities to cause significant mineral absorption issues for most people. The benefits of consuming oats, such as their fiber, protein, and nutrient content, often outweigh concerns about phytic acid.
If you're concerned about phytic acid or mineral absorption, you can try soaking oats before cooking them, as this may further reduce the phytic acid content. Alternatively, diversifying your diet with a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help ensure adequate mineral intake and absorption.